Thursday, April 21, 2011


Turn it around... and around

Fetal development in pregnancy week 25

13.5 in | 34 cm
1.5 lbs | 680 g

Your little grower’s physical proportions are pretty much birth-ready and most of their remaining development will largely be weight gain and a ton of nervous system development.

The good news is: if your child were to be born premature, they’d likely survive without much trauma as their lungs started producing “surfactant” last week, which means their tiny respiratory system is getting stronger with each passing day.

Yes, now’s a good time for a minor sigh of relief and a quick pat on the back. All that hard work and conscientious living is really getting your child prepared for a healthy delivery.

In mobile-fetus news: your baby should be scootching slowly out of the breech position (head upright, with their butt-n-legs down by your pelvis) and start rotating around for a head-first exit through the birth canal.

If all goes well, and your little womb hi-jacker isn't a contrary one, they'll be locked-n-loaded in the next few weeks!

Time is short (or really long, depending on who you ask) — just (still!) 14 weeks left before you can go back to being a single-resident human... with one tiny brand-spankin' new family member!

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Only 15 more weeks to go
If my baby were born today, they would probably survive the ICU, as their tiny lungs CAN breathe. This week they SHOULD (if they're good) start scootching out of breech and rotating into a head-down position ...
Tuesday at 19:16 via Baby Gaga · Comment · Like

Nicole Kretzschmar at 25 weeks

And how's mom doing?

Trimester two is nearly over, which means you have that one epic-sized final stretch of pregnancy to enjoy (and suffer through)!If you've been feeling a bit like a pregnant Sasquatch these days - thanks to ALL of your hair being fuller, thicker, more plentiful and darker, don't worry, it's normal

Speaking of epic, you’re obviously carrying more weight now and your back is undoubtedly letting you know in more and less painful ways.

Make an effort to practice good posture to alleviate some of the back fatigue. If you didn't notice yet: slouching is actually harder on your back!

Hot baths are the simplest (and loveliest) way to alleviate the many aches associated with being a human pod. And don't worry about the temperature (no matter what your grandma says) - as long as you're not burning yourself, your body will be able to regulate the temperature in your womb.

If you're being painfully awakened in the middle of the night by a shooting leg cramp, this is par for the pregnancy-course. Just remember to breathe out and make an effort to relax your muscles as much as you can.

To prevent future leg cramps, try and get a little more magnesium into your diet in the form of black beans, squash or pumpkin seeds, spinach, and/or halibut.

Clearly, between leg craps and back pain it is past time to strong arm someone who loves you into giving you a massage.

Or if you're lucky enough to have the extra bucks, head to a spa that specializes in pregnancy massages and get the full-treatment!

Final note: If you've been feeling a bit like a pregnant Sasquatch these days - thanks to ALL of your hair being fuller, thicker, more plentiful and darker, don't worry, it's normal.

There are two basic reasons for this: 1) you're shedding much less hair than you usually do and 2) your body's hormones contribute to the way your body hair is growing right now - which is thick and luscious on your head... and unfortunately, everywhere else as well.

Before you start stocking up on razors and wax, you should know that this pregnancy hairiness will slowly return to normal after you've delivered your baby and your body gets all your postpartum hormones ironed out and on track by the third month.

WARNING: Once you're postpartum you may start losing handfuls of your pregnancy head hair in the shower. It's somewhat disturbing (and gross) just how much hair it is, but it's totally normal and nothing to worry about.

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